Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Campus Life (day 12)

2 January 2013


Today, our class is at Dewan Sri Peria (DSP). At the morning, Miss Zu was told Faiz, our class monitor to mention that all of our classmates must bring the laptop to the class. Miss Zu wants all of us to bring the laptop because she wants us to complete our blog.

In class, she asked all the classmates to open the i-learn to make a quiz for those who not done yet.  But my classmates can’t log in into the internet access. That is weird because I can use the internet very fast. Because of my classmate can’t use the internet access, Miss Zu told us to go to the library to get the internet access. So, we need to move from DSP to the library. But before that, she wants us to put the signature in attendance.  

Feel so tired. Then, I saw Izzat bought a drink can. So, I asked him to give me a little. Miss Zu told Izzat to finish the drink as soon as possible because we want to go inside the library. When I was drinking Izzat water, Hakimah was punch my back and Miss Zu saw it happen then shocked. She said, “That is not got behaviour Hakimah”. I just laugh with that.  ƗƚɑƗƚɑƗƚɑ

After that, when we get in into library, I can’t get the internet access. That is weird. I have been try and try but still can’t access the internet. So, Miss Zu asked us to get in into computer lab in library to continued blogging. But Acap and I still try and try to access the internet. I start fed up and give up.

When Izzat came out from computer lab 10 minutes before the class end, I asked him that he want to join me playing “Lan game”. He was agreed and we played MotoGP game together.

Then, the class end at 4 p.m. but Miss Zu not noticed us. She already not there, so we went back to our college.

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